Thank You, Blogging

Thank You Blogging

It’s Thanksgiving today in the US and I thought it would be a fantastic time to say thank you.



Thank You Blogging


I started writing online with my own html websites (written in notepad) about ten years ago. I was on LiveJournal back in the days when the invitation code was a rare gift. I wrote fan fiction for many years. But I never really clicked and found my place until I discovered blogging and the Australian blogging industry.


I want to say thank you to everyone who has read my blog over the past almost-three years, to all who have left comments, sent me emails, interacted with me on social media and who I’ve been lucky enough to meet in person. I hope to meet more people in person – I love connecting with bloggers because we generally just ‘get’ each other. Easiest conversations I’ve ever had!


I hope you have a lovely weekend!


What are you thankful for? Do you get to meet readers and/or fellow bloggers often?


12 Replies to “Thank You, Blogging”

  1. I’ve never met a blog reader who wasn’t a friend, and only met a handful of bloggers, but I’m immensely grateful for those I have met.

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      It’s so good to get together in person.

  2. Wow you’ve been on the web such a long time! Bloggers are great people – so open and like-minded. I’ve had a couple of opportunities to meet up with some and on both occasions they were all lovely 🙂 x

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Haha too long maybe! I do sometimes wish I had found blogging it today’s sense a bit earlier though.

  3. Me too! I love my bloggy friends. I really do! Blogging is the funnest thing I’ve ever done!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      It’s the bestest thing.

  4. Yes I agree I adore the blogging world. I am thankful for my health – touch wood x

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Health is an elusive one in my house!

  5. Touche my friend – I am so grateful for blogging, the experiences I have had and the people I have met. It’s all about the connections. My husband had a big health scare last week and the support I received on the blog and on social media was amazing. It felt like I was in a big, warm cyber embrace and that’s all because of blogging. And of course, I’m also grateful for health, s/he who has his/her health has everything!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Yes! I love that big virtual hug!

  6. Thank you for your blog! I’m thankful for having a roof over my head.

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Yes, that is an easy one to overlook – and in the past week I’m thankful the storm that ripped other people’s roofs off was just some rain by the time it got to me.

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