Yesterday was an odd day for me.
Maybe for you too, I don’t know.
I saw this tweet:
Just got schooled on my FB page about what pork crackling is. Seriously, don’t people have better things to do. Like anything.
— Bianca Wordley (@bigwordsblog) February 14, 2015
Which lead me to reply to the above tweet with this:
@bigwordsblog I like food & cooking, but generally hate foodies. If you like it, eat it. That’s what I’m happy with.
— 26 Years & Counting (@26YearsCounting) February 14, 2015
I started thinking about food satire, and how much I loved this post I wrote. Go, check it out. I’ll wait. I was thinking about how I do enjoy writing satire, but I can’t write it often. It usually comes out as a strange rant, unless I’m in the zone (rarely) at which point I’m pretty good, if I can say so myself.
I went about my day (which, at that point, was simultaneously playing Age of Mythology and being bitten on the leg multiple times by what I presumed were mozzies, but given the hour long search for a spider on the loose last night, could have been a spider). At some point I ended up back on Facebook, at which time I saw not one, but two bloggers linking to a YouTube video about the Thermomix. Which basically meant I had to drop everything and watch that video straight away. GO WATCH THAT VIDEO. I naturally then watched every other foodie video they created and wondered why I would ever consider writing foodie satire because these ladies are GOOD.
Other things that happened this week:
I went and sat by the local pool one of the days I was sick. I didn’t want to be inside, but I was desperate for some fresh air. I get very particular about my air when I’m working full time. As I noted when I posted this on Instagram, most people fly to a resort for these views, and yet it’s just down the road and totally free for me. Very lucky. (And yes, I could have gotten a better photo, without the fence, if I had gotten up, but my energy at that point in the week did not allow for frivolous stuff like moving just for a photo. Just imagine it without the fence. It’s good brain training – or some crap like that.)
You know how I’m a totally non-sponsored Typo addict who generally treats the addiction with avoidance? Yeah…slight failure on that regard in the past week or so. I not only bought a new phone cover but a new travel mug. I’m loving and using both though! Plus, they were both on sale so I think it cost me $12 all up.
Also, I’m still waiting for Typo for start a delivery subscription like Dan Murphy’s started, because I love the sale stuff on their website, but I don’t buy much – which means (using the above as an example) I get cranky when I have to pay $10 shipping for $12 of shopping! I did tweet the suggestion to Typo when Dan Murphy’s released their deal, but no reply. Sad Face.
I got some stabby stabby done this week by a local vampire. People usually suck at getting blood out of me (pun intended) but this guy really struggled. Amazingly, I haven’t bruised from either of his attempts, but it did hurt more than usual. Thankfully it doens’t usually hurt much at all.
And this door just always makes me giggle. There’s no real story to it or anything. I think it makes me think of cartoons where people take a step outside, float, and then crash to the floor. Or canyon floor. Also, are cartoons on TV right now?
To end this post on the same note it started, here’s some foodie stuff from this week.
This was a soupey thing that I try to keep in the freezer for sick days. I make my own stock and freeze it. I keep a little bit of shredded chicken from any time we get lazy and buy a roast chook. Then I just cook the pasta in it and add some frozen peas and corn. Voila. Easy and nutritious meal for sickie days.
This was a delicious omelette I made. I didn’t want to eat but I kind of got nagged to, so in a weird burst of energy I went and cooked this. It had tinned chicken in the middle and some spring onions in the egg.
How was your week? What did you love? And how funny is that YouTube cooking show?!!
Would you believe it was my dad who showed me the Thermomix video? Hysterical. He was whooping with laughter, so funny. His brother in law is a Thermie consultant but he had no idea what it was. I told him it was a $3k magic machine.
Love the For When You’re Sick Soup!
That video was so good! I still don’t see the point of a thermomix but then I don’t use any of the appliances that it’s supposed to replace, so….
I have one, so I got sent that video about 5 times. It is a cult, but for me it was just good timing because I’d had a heap of appliances break or fail me lately. “Dinner porridge” is now a frequently used term in our house.