It’s amazing, really. Money. A totally inanimate object and the things it throws up in peoples faces. Go and grab some coins. Little tiny bits of metal. Hold a note. Some plastic.
Do you feel the same about a metal hair clip? A plastic waterbottle?
Now, I get that money holds a big place in society. I’m the income earner for my household – it’s a bloody lot of responsibility. I get it. But it doesn’t control my thoughts often – or at least for no longer than it needs to for me to put my best efforts into a gaining a new day job contract or getting a freelance client. Yes, I open my electricity bill and swear. Especially when they get it wrong. But I’m not consumed by those thoughts. I have no desire in life to get on some rich list.
For a year or so I’ve been reading the blog Lucky Bitch*. I’m a casual reader; I don’t jump onto every new post but once every few months something leads me there and I read a bunch of posts.
I read Denise’s book, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch. I learned that my overall view on money is actually pretty good. I mean, no one is perfect but generally speaking I think I do well in terms of my attitude to money.
This year has been crazy. Bat-shit crazy is the term I am now using for the rest of the year. Good things. Bad things. Excellent opportunities. Crappy opportunities.
And the one thing that has really stood out to me so far is how many people do have money blocks.
I guess I knew that from reading Denise’s book and blog.
Note: none of this is to say that you are a bad person if you have issues in this area – I have issues with cars and hills. Different stuff freaks out different people and I totally get that.
What I didn’t know is how much other peoples money issues can impact on you.
- People who pay you bottom dollar. And think that’s ok.
- People who undervalue the skills you have. And congratulate themselves on getting a bargain instead of paying you properly.
- People who expect you to be ok with insecure income. And wonder why you look for something else.
- People who expect work for free. And wonder why you stop talking to them.
I’ve come across some mix of these over the past five or so years in many people, but something clicked recently and I’ve only just started seeing how many people I’ve come in contact with really do have money blocks. BIG ones. Some people let their money blocks impact on everyone around them.
And that’s not ok with me.
Can I be honest here? I actually thought Denise’s blog was a bit silly at start. I mean, who doesn’t want money? Money lets you pay the bills, take care of your family, live the standard of life that you want, help others…the list goes on. Why wouldn’t you want money?
Learn More: sign up here* for a free webinar on moving from struggle to abundance.
But now I really do see the value in people think about the way they see money. Because it can have a big flow on impact to others, let alone in your own life.
Particularly if you are in a position of authority over others (a parent, a caregiver, a manager of a team, a small business, whatever), making sure that you don’t have money blocks is really important. Because you’re not just sabotaging yourself, you’re hurting others.
Do you have a healthy relationship with money?
*Denotes affiliate link. I may receive a commission in the future.
On the flip side, my husband is self employed and often under values himself for fear of people not wanting to pay.
Knowing what the market can and will pay is a huge part of this that is so complicated in its own right!
I used to run my own business teaching drama and I was hopeless. I never charged any of my friends for teaching their kids and gave discounts left right and centre to everyone. I’m not a business person at all. I’ll always have to work for someone else I think.
I’ve literally lost friends over refusing to do free work for them. But then I figure they probably weren’t really friends to begin with if that was the real situation.