After a crappy weekend and start to the week, I had money and it was time to do my fortnightly grocery shop. Only, I was going to be at home for TEN STRAIGHT DAYS. Apart from when I had the flu and couldn’t even lift my arms to drive, I don’t know the last time I had a chunk of time off work, let alone it being paid time. Blowing my mind here, people.
Now…you all know I went to see a dietician recently. Things went rapidly downhill after that because tiredness and 2015 in general caught up to me and I didn’t give much of a crap what I put into my body.
Which means that I should have some alternate titles for this post:
- “Vanessa is planning to get Netflix and eat for 10 days”
- “Oh shit, don’t let the dietician see this”
Now that my pay actually did arrive in my bank account, I went a bit free for all at the supermarkets.
I spent $167.87 at Coles:
And $49.85 at Woolies, which consisted largely of dog food and cheese:
Last night we walked to the veggie store and spent about $40. I don’t get receipts from them (I could if I asked, but I don’t) so all up, I spent $257.72. I felt like I was splurging a lot but all in all that’s not really a huge amount, now that I come to think of it!! It also included things I need to bring on Christmas Day. The only thing I haven’t bought yet is ice. The water kind, not the drug kind.
What does a splurge shop look like for you?