Welcome to 2016! I totally did not accidentally type 2015 then…
It’s Friday, so that means it’s time for a food post. Normally I would blog my grocery shopping receipts but I lost/threw them out, so I can’t do that. I can tell you I spent $90.66 at Coles & $24.37 at Woolies though. They were pretty normal shops though, so have a flick back though my previous posts if you’re interested.
Instead, I asked for the receipt from my local grocery store so I could blog that instead! I don’t usually get a receipt or remember to take a photo of the veggies I buy so that’s why it’s always a bit of a post-script of “we spend about $20…”.
One of the changes I want to make this year, and after seeing my dietician last year, is to actually double what I spend on fruit and veggies. The biggest change I need to make food wise is to actually eat more during the day. I hadn’t been eating enough and then I would eat too much at night.
That is a pretty typical fruit and veggie shop for us. We have apples, bananas, cabbage, lettuce, grapes, snow peas, broccoli, brussels sprouts, zucchini, tomatoes, capsicum & potatoes. The eggs are free with any spend over $20.
As you can see, this shop was actually $39.20 to begin with. But at the 5th shop you get $15 off, and at the 10th shop you get $20 off. Plus I only have to walk a few doors to buy my fruit & veg. There are probably cheaper places to buy it, but I really like the quality. I do tend to buy some veggies at the supermarkets, but only frozen peans & corn, along with onions, potato and carrots. Mostly because I find the quality of those don’t seem to vary.
What do you spend on veggies?
What a great idea – the loyalty discount! Good on them! You got a good amount of fruit and veg (+ eggs) for $24.20 and with the shop being so close to home and the food of a good quality – it’s a winner!
What a great idea, a loyalty discount! I shop at my local corner store for fruit & veg too. I love supporting a local family and I find the quality much better than the supermarkets.