Understanding Yourself vs Having Excuses

Understanding Yourself vs Having Excuses

This is a topic that has always bugged me. Excuses. I hate it when people say “no excuses”. It usually comes out of the mouths of people who haven’t had any particularly large challenges in life and it just bugs the crap out of me. It’s a very salesy, “motivational” speaker type phrase that discounts reality outside of shiny box where people have no problems. Or that’s how they always come across to me!


Understanding Yourself vs Having Excuses


Understanding Yourself vs Having Excuses


I was having a hard time concentrating at work on Monday and felt like a slacker, frankly. Then I gave myself a kick. The past three weeks and weekends had been tough. I had the flu and a few days off work. I had rec leave but also cramps. I had a weekend full of dizziness from a sinus infection, followed by a slightly upset stomach from antibiotics.


Now, these are all fairly minor things. The flu and cramps have passed. I have antibiotics. I’m dealing with them. This too shall pass, right?


But one after another, three weeks in a row – well frankly it’s not surprising that I was feeling a bit off kilter and unable to concentrate and work at the level I expected of myself.


Is that an excuse or is it realty? Does identifying what’s wrong help? Is it an excuse to say what has happened in the past three weeks for me?


2 Replies to “Understanding Yourself vs Having Excuses”

  1. I think the distinction between excuse and explanation is a fair one, You are acknowledging the WHY with ought really making excuses iykwim. And hugs for the hard 3 weeks xx

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Thanks 🙂

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