Practical Health

Practical Health

I wish medicine had the answers for practical questions. But I think when it doesn’t have answers it means society is broken in that area & is not working for our bodies.


I commute to a day job for now. It’s not what I like – either the commuting or the sitting all day at a job! But I’m working my way “out” of that.


In the meantime, I try my hardest to eat well & exercise.


Practical Health


Practical Health

Recently I’ve been trying to work out breakfast. I used to always eat at home, but I would be eating so fast it just made me sick. I could get up earlier – but I already get up 2 hours before I start work & 1.5 hours of that is spent commuting, so I just don’t want to get up earlier. I don’t think that’s unreasonable.


If I’m particularly lazy I will get subway for breakfast & load it with salads (or as many as they will let me – I’ve found some staff get crabby at salads on breakfast).


Most of the time I make breakfast at work & eat it at my desk while I’m doing the morning clear out of my inbox. This works pretty well, so long as I have done a little bit of organising & have food at work or brought from home.


But the problem with that is that halfway to work, I get hungry. And since I have a long commute that I don’t like at the best of times, being hungry just makes me cranky.


I tried having something like an Up & Go at home, then “real” food at work, but even a liquid drink made me feel sick when I drank it fast.I’m NOT a smoothie/whatever liquid the cool kids drink person.


I did find a tip on Pinterest recently on quick breakfasts – so I think I will try them out & repin it if they work.


What are your easy & on the go breakfast tips?


14 Replies to “Practical Health”

  1. I start work at 7 and often don’t feel like eating much at home beforehand so I’ll have a bit of fruit at home and then, like you, I’ll have breakfast at my desk whilst clearing out my emails.

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I’ve never been much of a fruit person, maybe I need to go back to finding a fruit I actually like for the mornings.

  2. I’m one of those people who needs to eat as soon as they get up and I often get woken up with hunger pains. I usually have two weetbix with fruit and then a couple of hours later I’m hungry for morning tea. I’m a non-stop eating machine.

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      That’s kind of why I never bothered with cereal – I’m hungry by the time I’ve commuted!

  3. Could you make muffins loaded with fruit and eat on the commute?

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      If I had the ability to follow instructions, probably haha.

  4. I’m organised enough, I make overnight oats to take with me.

  5. A banana is a really good and filling snack to eat on-the-go until you can sit down and have breakfast. I’m with Amy, I’m a big fan of overnight oats, – have you tried those? You can make them the night or even a couple of days before and take them to work in a mason jar. Savoury muffins are also a good choice or failing that, I just take some rice cakes with vegemite or peanut butter.

  6. What a about a veggie muffin on the way. I need breakie before I leave the house but I don’t have a long commute

  7. I have a long commute too and usually make myself a fruit and veg smoothie with some oats and protein powder to take on the train, it keeps me going until morning tea time.

  8. For a while there we were making up a breakfast frittata each Sunday night that would last us for breakfasts most of the week. It was easy & quick to eat. We are trialling some other breakfast options now but that could be something for you to try.

  9. I eat that multi grain weetbix, it’s so yummy.

    Can you just take your upngo to drink slowly after you’ve left the house?

  10. For something quick when I’m on the go I usually eat a banana in the car and take my travel mug of green tea. Then I can eat my cereal when I get back home to my desk. But other than that, I’m a get up ridiculously early kinda gal to fit everything into my day.

  11. Breakfast is a hard one as it’s not my favourite meal. My tummy is not ready for food until 10am but I know I need to eat before that. So, I go for a green smoothie – awhole bag of spinach, filtered water, blend. Then add frozen fruits (mango and mixed berries) and then half a banana. Blend. Lastly, I add 2 generous tablespoons of LSA (or ground flaxseed) and a scoop of protein powder. I drink one third of it for breakfast then have the rest throughout the day.

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