While I think I did really well in learning about insurances, particularly life insurances, for a first timer, there are some things I wish I had done differently.
Things I Wish I’d Done Differently When Researching Life Insurances
Life Insurance
I applied for this early on in my insurance and general adulting marathon. As I hold this coverage via a super fund, what I wish I had done is made sure I understood the difference between fixed coverage and unitised. In my not-a-financial-planner level of understanding, fixed coverage amounts are what you see on those awful daytime TV ads. You know the ones, “Quick, we’re having a baby, buy insurance while decorating the baby’s room!” *insert eye roll here* Basically, fixed means if you apply for $500,000 of coverage, and you die, your beneficiary will get $500,000.
Unitised coverage is different. I have a feeling that unitised coverage is only available via superannuation funds, but again, not a financial planner or insurance expert so please don’t take my advice as it is just a random guess/assumption.
Whatever the case may be, I was applying for my life insurance via my super fund, and I selected unitised coverage. Which means that I bought x number of “units” of cover. However, what a unit is worth is actually dependent on your age. In my case, with my super fund, when you’re in your 30’s, like I am, it’s worth a decent sum. However, when you read further down the table of what it’s worth when you’re 50 years old, one unit is barely equivalent to an average annual income.
As an example (not using actual figures) if a unit was worth $350,000 as a 30 year old and you bought two of them, you’d be covered for $700,000. But the units decrease in value, so when you turn 50, you might find that a unit is only worth $50,000 (and for two units, a total of $100,000).
This unitised cover might work for you. It might not. I’m simply including it here because when I applied for the insurance, I didn’t understand it enough and chose the wrong thing for me. Right now, it doesn’t matter much. I’m still covered at the amount I want. But in the future I won’t be. Now it’s up to me if I want to increase the number of units I have or switch to fixed. I chose to switch to a fixed coverage amount.
I had to go through some small underwriting again to get both my life and TPD changed from unitised to fixed, and in doing that, they gave me an exclusion on the TPD for the bursitis I’ve had in my shoulder. Which seems weird as I have a damn office job, but I guess they assume I could become a labourer in the future? Somehow I don’t think so, but whatever.
Total And Permanent Disability Insurance
I took a guess at how much TPD I needed. And then realised a flaw in both what I had chosen and what I had applied for. It wasn’t much money. Of course it was a lot better than nothing, but I didn’t do the smart thing and know enough about it when I first applied to increase it. I was a bit over underwriting and peeing in cups but I did the responsible thing and increased it at the same time as my life insurance.
The other “thing” I’ve found is that the TPD calculators that exist only ask you for your current situation. Now, I’m NOT A FINANCIAL PLANNER, but if you know in the next few years it’s likely that you’ll be having children, buying a house or other major “life changes” like that, then, to me (based on logic, not qualifications!) you could leave yourself wildly under-insured.
Because we don’t own a house and have very little debt, the TPD calculators didn’t indicate that I would need much money. Um. Regardless of owning a house or not, I still would have to fund a freaking roof over my head for the rest of my life. It seems that based on some calculators, having a roof over your head is only a variable for home owners, not renters.
Anyway, I applied for an amount of TPD that would let me purchase a modest house if need be, so I would have a permanent roof over my head if I could never work again. Like many things, this speaks to individual preferences of risk, and I am quite risk adverse in this area, seeing as we are already a single income household. You might feel very differently about this/have a different financial situation.
While you can of course increase your insurance in the future (and from the PDSs I’ve read, some companies allow an automatic increase of your coverage amount on such “life events” as marriage and children and purchasing a house), there’s obviously no guarantee of acceptance or that the premiums will be affordable (eg if you developed a medical condition).
Your comfort level with all of these types of risk is up to you. I just think that it’s worth noting and asking questions about if this is something you’re looking into.
Of course, the flip side of this is knowing that most premiums go up each year, so if you comprehensively insure now, make sure you know you can afford the premiums to go up by (in my not a financial planner understanding) at least the rate of inflation each year.
Accept An Offer
As I ranted about recently, the goal posts for life-type insurances are so secretive. I turned down an offer for income protection as I thought the premium was too expensive for my budget. I went somewhere else, got rejected for stupid reasons, went back to the first place who rejected me based the results from the first rejection, but on an entirely different stupid reason. All within a few months.
In hindsight, I wish I’d known enough about how (crappy? dodgy? annoying?) insurers are and that even with fairly few health conditions in my past (I mean a sore shoulder, slightly low iron and tonsils snipped out are hardly rare and serious conditions FFS) that people will reject me for them. But how are you supposed to know this if the goal posts are secret and the ads on TV imply anyone can get these insurances? As you can tell, the industry shits me a bit.
One day I’ll fix up my income protection with a decent policy, but for now, I’m sticking with the default IP I have via my super. Primarily because I just don’t want to deal with any more damn insurers and their mystery freaking goalposts!
This post is about it for all the finance and insurance stuff I’ve been writing about, at least for the near future. I hope reading my experiences has helped you think about what you need, or gotten you to ask your broker/super fund/some smart qualified person about what you are covered for/what you might need.
Have you ever made a mistake in applying for life-type insurances?
I’m impressed with your high level of adulting. I must look into this – we both have life insurance but hubby sorted it and we’re currently thinking of reviewing it so your tips will come in super useful (and make me sound like I know what I’m talking about!)
I am glad I finally got my life and TPD fixed up properly. Two big ticks done. There is so much to learn about this stuff and it’s only when you start applying and looking and learning that you find out all the questions.
I wish they’d tell you up front if they’re the type of company who will just reject you or if they’re the type who’ll accept you but exclude a condition you’ve had from it. Surely they know which of those they most commonly do. Good luck with reviewing your coverage! And wishing you patience too haha.
We had life insurance for a while in our 20s (probably thinking we should and being talked into it by the local agent) When we realised it was a waste of money, we cashed it in and had an above ground pool installed!!
However, we were both covered by our permanent employment. In 1980 my husband was medically retired and still received a pension based on his salary at the time. I just kept on working and when I finally got back into super (1985) and then needed to access my $$ after being forced out thanks to the workplace accident called “overwork” ….I had to jump through many hoops to get it.
I know why you have it and I think life it a lot tougher now and rules are probably more stringent but I won’t give any money to insurance companies…just to our health insurance!
I hope your decisions work out for you. I hate guessing the future!
Denyse x
It’s so hard to know, isn’t it? The uncertainty of pay outs is what made me choose to do life & TPD via my super, so it doesn’t impact my cash flow. It’s also very cheap via super and I’m also fortunate to get paid a very high rate of super at my job so it isn’t even eroding balances (compared to the legal min super rate). If my situation was different & I had to pay it outside of super/at cost to my cash flow I doubt it would have been a practical decision to have it.
We had insurance through our super and through a private company. We thought we were well protected, as we needed to be with several businesses, 5 kids and mortgage etc. We had a review by a insurance expert and found our insurance was far from adequate. We have since reevaluated and re-insured, however now we also have a yearly reevaluation to be sure our coverage is still what we require.
I imagine it’d be really complex to review your situation and make a call about the right amounts. Hoping from now on too to only have to do a review.
This whole process is a nightmare. Good on you for taking it on head on. I got what insurances I could get (and afford) and was lucky enough to use my brother, a financial planner. It made for a pretty easy process. But still painful AF, it’s almost as if they don’t actually want your money… Crazy.
They don’t want your money, and they probably don’t want to pay you if you need it. But I’ve done my part, so that’s all I can do!!
I hate talkign about insurance and wills and anything like that… even though I know I need to deal with it all. #teamIBOT
It’s a long winded topic, that’s for sure. I’m glad I have a chunk completed but it took me forever.
I had literally no idea there was any difference! Thank you! I guess I have some adulting to do!
Like I said, I don’t know enough about it all to know if it’s a super only thing (I honestly don’t know why I have a feeling it’s super only, probably becuase private insurers never asked me if I wanted units??), but either way, it’s something to ask if/when you’re reviewing your own.