Do The Things You Want To In Your Business

Do The Things You Want To In Your Business

You don’t have to do the things that you don’t want to in your business. I’ve written about the one thing that bloggers need to learn. The gist of the post is that it is not like being an employee, a student, or any other type of regulated space that you may have been a part of before. Sure, you  have legal things like disclosure to consider, but overall, you can choose how you manage your business. How you respond to pitches. If you will work for free. All of that is your choice.


What made me think of this somewhat recently is that I was eager to listen to a podcast interview, but after the intro, they delayed further by chatting and going off topic…in the end I kept skipping forward because I wanted to listen to the content!


Do The Things You Want To In Your Business


Do The Things You Want To In Your Business


While I appreciate that it’s kind of cool when you hear your name on a podcast, it only adds value to that one person. Maybe I was impatient, tired or in a bad mood that day, I don’t know. But it’s also pretty likely that it’s just me. It’s how and what I like to listen to things. Nothing more, nothing less.


Now, this doesn’t mean I hate all podcasters who read out reviews, or won’t listen to a podcast, or don’t know the skip button exists. I know all this. My point in discussing this is to say that while I am sure that some podcasters love to give this one on one love, I would rather that the host give one on one love in the form of answering a specific question for the listeners. This goes the same for blog posts and other mediums too. It’s just how I prefer to listen – and it’s something that has no real rule (though I’m sure someone sells a formula for this!)


Do you like special mentions or are you a “down to business” type of person?


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