Ticking a task box I recently completed a task I had been putting off all year so far. I think time turning to May shamed me a bit internally and while shame isn’t exactly an ideal motivator … that’s what did it this time. The task was simple, it was just fixing up […]
Why “SMART” Goals Don’t Work For Me

I’ve never been a fan of “SMART” goals. SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Related. I’ve had years of unstable health. I’m a carer. I work a job. My free time is limited and dictated by important variables like health – that’s why SMART goals don’t work for me. My time is not […]
Banish Expectations

Banish Expectations It’s time to banish the thought that you have to do certain tasks at certain times or in certain ways. Or first thing in the morning. (Or last thing at night, or while doing yoga drinking cold press whatever-that-is while smiling at the ceiling.) Sometimes I work well in batches. Sometimes […]
Six Simple Steps To Systems Success

Six Simple Steps To Systems Success When I was working with a business coach in preparation to launch my systems services, they told me to start writing about systems. You know, content marketing, build your authority. The problem is, I have a very simple approach to strategising anything, and it’s so simple that it […]
Who Is Screaming The Loudest?

Who Is Screaming The Loudest? I saw this tweet and it immediately inspired me to share a story. How should we prioritize tasks? Maybe by asking, “Who is screaming the loudest?” and getting them out of the way. I try to do the tasks I dread the most in the morning for […]