Blogging For Love AND Money

Every now and then someone will pop up in a blogging Facebook group or forum of some kind and ask the question: “do you blog for love or money”?


Blogging For Love AND Money


The answers are almost as predictable as the question itself. The most common answers fall into one of these four categories:

  • Want to make money blogging but currently aren’t
  • Make money but love it
  • People who have given up making money
  • People who don’t want to make money from their blog


Blogging For Love AND Money


But here’s the real key: love and money are not mutually exclusive! You can love your blog and you can make money from your blog.



Give yourself permission to both love your blog and make money from your blog.


Where do you fall on the love/money spectrum?


One Reply to “Blogging For Love AND Money”

  1. I was blogging for love, then for love and money, and now I’m back to just the love of it! In the future, when I can dedicate more time and energy without it feeling like a stressful obligation, I will hope to make money again!

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