My Blogging Workflow

How you blog & manage ideas is a really personal thing. Because I’ve found that  cloud based notes apps don’t really work for me (you can read more on that here) I’ve been looking for ages for a workflow that works for me. And I’ve realised that over time, it has come to me.


My Blogging  Workflow


My Blogging Workflow


Now, as you know, I work full time. So the time I have to blog is limited. Very limited! To get to my job I commute 12-15 hours a week, so really believe me when I say limited time is limited time. In 2016 I added in some postgrad study. 2018 is actually the first time in my life I don’t have anything major on outside of work. *knocks on wood*


I get ideas usually when I’m as far away as possible from blogging. Often in meetings at work. I scribble them on paper so I don’t lose it then get back to the meeting.


I start with writing the post. Because I’m a blogger, you know? Everything I do stems from this!


Things I do:

  1. Get an idea
  2. Write the post in WordPress (or in notepad on my phone)
  3. Make the post title a H1 tag.
  4. Make any subheadings a H2 tag.
  5. Create a featured image and a pinnable image (using Canva, just copy an old blog image, change the name, title and image)*
  6. Schedule the post


Related: 10 Free Stock Photo Sites


That’s it. Really. I don’t put much stress on myself to edit, re-read, plan … nope. I get an idea, write it, schedule it. And my goal is to be three months ahead. (That’s a goal, it’s not where I’m at now.)


*I either get my photos from my google drive, which is where I store photos I might want to use for blog posts, or the above link of stock photo sites, which I keep bookmarked in my browser for easy access.


How do you manage your blogging workflow? 


One Reply to “My Blogging Workflow”

  1. I’m always interested to read what other bloggers’ workflows look like. I’ve recently started writing in Evernote then copy/pasting into WordPress because that way I always have at least two copies backed up. Also, I find there are too many distractions when I write straight into a browser. That’s just me though.

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