Lots of things have lead to this. No one specific article or person or situation. I’ve noticed a theme in disability content where it’s “we don’t want {compensation}, we just want to be included”.
I feel like there’s a layer of internalised ableism here – that as disabled people we ask for SO MUCH (you know, basic fucking inclusion) that we CANNOT ask for more.
Fuck You, I’m a Greedy Bother
Well I disagree with that approach. I want my inclusion. I’d like it without fighting for it because fighting for it means you are stealing my spoons, but you know, we live in a bloody imperfect world.
I’m not only happy to be a bother (demanding my inclusion) but when you don’t do it, I sure as fuck do want compensation. Now, I don’t actually personally internally think it’s greedy to ask for compensation … but I think the social reading (primarily by non disabled people) is that anything more than mere inclusion is greedy.
Well… suck it up people. I want that compensation. Remember how I had a job offer withdrawn because they didn’t want to accomodate me? My requests for resolution are:
- Financial compensation for losing out on a significant employment opportunity.
- A written apology.
- For government staff to have mandatory training on disability discrimination in employment (preferably utilising lived experience and paying for disabled people to consult with the government on their experiences).
- A promise that I do not end up on any kind of recruitment or contracting “blacklist” for daring to stand up for disability rights.
You bet that if I missed out on a job paying about $100k base (plus sick pay plus holiday leave loading plus government superannuation payments) that I want some fucking financial compensation. I’m not taking just an apology. What is the long term impact to the compounding nature of my superannuation from the loss of this job? Cos I tell you, while I like the work and people at my current day job, I am sure as fuck not earning $100k.
So fuck your expectation that I be a meek little disabled person. I will be a bother.