I’ve Got A Little Secret

I've Got A Little Secret

Most of you will know from rants and comments and whinging and well, me on social media (winks) that I’ve been working hard on getting Fuck Should ready for publishing. Finally. I won’t even calculate how many years I’ve been working on this book. 


I’ve Got A Little Secret


I've Got A Little Secret


Thanks to some lovely volunteer beta readers, it feels like I have an actual book. Having said that, I do keep wavering between “this is utter shit” and “this is pretty good actually”. It’s still 50/50 to me, depending on how tired and/or hungry I am. Apparently those two things influence my mood and my opinion of my writing. 


I also managed to sort out an issue with the distributor platform I’ve chosen. It’s really confusing to do US tax stuff. Even when it’s supposed to be a foolproof system. One day it didn’t like either my TFN or my ABN and the next day it thought they were perfect. So here’s hoping the tax boxes have been ticked properly. Because my knowledge of international tax really does come down to the crossing of fingers. 


Fuck Should is actually only a part of my plans. I’m not just releasing Fuck Should this month.


I’ll be releasing a total of four books at the same time. Kind of. 


Stay in the loop for the launch by signing up to my newsletter 🙂


And that’s my secret! 


16 Replies to “I’ve Got A Little Secret”

  1. I just signed up… good luck! As a tip, Draft2Digital is good if you want to go wide to a heap of platforms…

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      That’s who I’m using! I was going to use Smashwords (rec from an author friend) but when I found out Draft2Digital do the formatting for you – sold! I hate fiddling things like formatting so I wasn’t keen to go through it for Smashwords.

  2. Oh that’s so exciting. Yay you Vanessa for pursuing your dreams!!!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Here’s hoping it goes well. Or just that I manage to work out how to publish it haha. Haven’t even tackled that part yet.

  3. Oh how exciting! I love it when a plan comes together!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      About time too haha

  4. Good on you Vanessa, all the best! #Lifethisweek

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Thanks 🙂

  5. Congrats, Ness! Well done!

    SSG xxx

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Thanks SSG

  6. Haha…I love how you don’t do things in halves! I knew about the one book – not about the four in one hit! 😀 That’s awesome news and can’t wait!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      It just made more sense to my brain 🙂

  7. Congrats on doing what you want to do and doing it your way! I wish you all the success in the world!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Thanks Betty 🙂

  8. YAY! Well done Ness. Can’t wait to read all of them.

  9. So glad for you. Good work Ness!

    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week we are HALF-way in our #ltw prompts for 2019 and this one is Share Your Snaps. Hope to see you there! Denyse.

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