Tell Me It’s Not Just Me

Tell Me It's Not Just Me

It comes and goes. Sometimes no one will suggest it to me in a while, and I forget that it’s an option. Then I get bombarded with suggestions and I think “Oh shit, we’re still talking about this? We haven’t gotten over it? Fixed it?”


Tell Me It’s Not Just Me


Tell Me It's Not Just Me


I’m talking about the “Sharing Economy”. I’m tired of being told “Oh take an Uber”. Or whatever the current “cool” company is. I assume if you’re a sexy start up someone will bite you out. I mean, buy you out. I don’t really care.


I don’t like the sharing economy because it is exploiting workers.


You are not a business owner. You don’t have control over the costs, services and realistically, working hours.


Call me old fashioned, but I think jobs have set rates of pay and expectations. I think that jobs provide tools for you to use, not ask you to buy a car for your job.


FYI, it also pisses me off when low paid social sector/charity work job ads demand you have your own car for business use. I will not apply for those jobs on principle. Finance a fucking work car for your staff. Don’t place financial burden onto staff who are paid shit salaries.


(Disclaimer section: because it’s the internet and someone will have to be an asshole aka “devils advocate”. I don’t begrudge anyone who chooses to or feels they have to earn money this way. But I, personally, am not willing to support it.)


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