Setting brainstorm – one thing I learned from the cozy mystery series I read was that setting felt like a huge part of the narrative. My current thought process is to amalgamate a couple of towns, gives me the convenience of picking and choosing aspects that make the mystery better.
April Creative Contemplations

Project updates: My Fictional Life With Kids: Need to fix up hosting. It’s annoying. Totally Normal Dollhouse: Zero progress since I caught covid. Boo hiss to the plague. This month I was: Reading: All the Cassie Coburn novels. Gaming: Got obsessively into high scores on Mini Metro+ …letting it run for hours to get […]
Cozy Mystery Conversion Journal 2

Cozy Mystery Conversion Journal 2 I accidentally skipped a book in the cozy mystery series I’m reading…. and learned you can see some gaps but it doesn’t matter too much.
March Creative Contemplations

Feeling bundles of frustration and pain flares. Lots of “ugh, life: stuff to deal with. Pain flares, after effects of flood stress even though we didn’t flood. Wondering if I’ll ever have enough energy to juggle a day job and my creative projects and my business projects. Oh yeah, then, after two very successful years […]
Book Conversion

I have a romance series vaguely plotted out. Worked on it a bit during NaNoWriMo 2021. It’s sitting around 11k words. Only I realised I am not interested (which with ADHD means not able, interest driven motivation ftw I guess?) in writing a romance. But I did like what I had so far, and didn’t […]
Tendrils of Sleep

You can feel them long before they strike. Someone was missing, something in your space feels empty, and yet you know it’s lurking close by. You can go frantic looking for them, but nothing happens until you are alone and asleep. You wake up suddenly in terror. You notice the tightness of your […]
Pen Names

Pen Names I went down a small rabbit hole of blog posts about being a “successful” author. “Successful” of course was a particular income goal, which I’ve always thought is a terrible marker of success as what makes a “good” income is totally variable depending on where you live in the world. But […]
Cozy Mystery Conversion Journal 1

Cozy Mystery Conversion Journal 1 I’ve seen some posts around social media about writers notebooks … and decided to try one. I’m going to focus (as much as I ever focus) on a story I’m “converting” – changing the genre from romance to cozy mystery. Also, it’s a great excuse for pretty pens and […]
Watching Vs Writing

Watching Vs Writing I had given up on NaNoWriMo for 2021. I was tired, my health stuff was playing up… and then my brain switch flicked and I was so cranky at the thought of not winning. After all, after so many years I had won in 2019 and 2020. I guess […]
January Creative Contemplations

I feel like everyone is saying 2022 hasn’t really started for them until Feb … but kind of, yeah. January was a whirlwind of wrapping up a job (so many handover documents. SO. MANY.), mentally preparing to leave a place I had worked, across many different roles, since April 2014. Job hunting. Learning to quote […]