Firstly, some background: I love having ideas. I’m great at ideas. I have too many ideas. I think it’s called Shiny Object Syndrome. I have no time to apply the ideas I have. I don’t really even get to spend time thinking about or actioning them. Sometimes though, ideas just click. And I am […]
Are Your Values Calibrated Internally or Externally?

Do you have to know “WHO” you are? Retrospective analysis of who you are and what core values and actions motivate you is important. But I believe it’s worthless if you get so fixated on being YOU that you aren’t open enough to change, learn, and grow. Or do we confuse our […]
Time Pressures

As in this Kiki and tea post, finding your way of working for yourself is a huge task. I’m working part time at the moment and the grandest of plans as to what I would achieve with my four days “off” each week. I don’t like routines much. I hate being told I have […]
- Money
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Money, Life and Goals

It is HARD to balance those three things: money, life and goals. It’s a balance I have rarely had a say on in my life (or so it feels at times). I’ve basically always worked full time, but been on contracts. So, generally speaking, I’ve always had money for bills. I’ve also only had […]

Yesterday, I noticed some traffic coming onto my blog from Kidspot. I thought that was a bit odd, as I don’t generally read the site much (seeing as it’s largely parenting and I’m not a parent, though I do frequently act like a child). It turns out I had been nominated for Voices of 2014 […]
Am I Scared of Jewellery?

Am I scared of jewellery? The thought popped into my head the other day, seemingly out of nowhere. Though I was reading a lot of blogs at the time, so someone probably mentioned it. I don’t wear jewellery. I never really liked it. I have some, the usual kind, gifts from being a […]
Give Yourself Permission

There are many obligations and commitments in life. And that’s fine, to a degree. Sometimes these obligations and commitments help us get things done. Other times, it’s just all too much. Like right now, I have blogging, searching for a new day job, an irritatingly persistent head cold…let alone any other parts of life like […]
Why I Believe in Education

Traditional education seems to be a touchy topic these days. I know a lot of people are “going alternative” now when it comes to education. I don’t believe this is a bad thing. Homeschooling, unschooling, learning by doing – these are all valuable educational tools. I didn’t come from an impoverished background. We weren’t poor […]
Back on the wagon
Or the train. Yesterday I spent my first day at my desk at my day job since June 19th. There was a combination of a work trip, weekends and the damn flu that kept me away. I was welcomed back … Continue reading
Your Life, Your Choice, Your Path
Sick days give me too much time to think. It’s only 8.45am and already the internet is filling my head with questions. The internet seems so full of basic “how to” posts. Which is fine when you want to learn … Continue reading