I’ve been tweeting my food budgets each fortnight as we scrimp by on my part time income. We’ve been ranging from $50-90 per fortnight. Some people have been curious, so I thought I would list my items & receipts and talk about how we use the items. This was a particularly large spending fortnight as […]
All The Small Things
When you live with (or in a house with) chronic disease, it’s the small things that make a difference. I have undiagnosed sinus issues. I’ve had head scans (that’s what lead to the brain tumour investigation last year) but in the end I seem to just have a chronically crappy sinus. My year […]
I dont WANNA!

I just haven’t felt like writing this week. I’m tired, plain and simple. I’m trying to get into a better sleeping habit as well, because I think that’s contributing to my tiredness. I sit down and think about writing for this blog, and this is what goes through my head: “I don’t wanna!” This […]
Don’t Diet!
Don’t Diet!! EVER! I am anti-diet 100%. Why? Because its highly unlikely a diet was written for YOU! Sure, following it might work. For a while. But diets force you out of your habit, trying to make you learn a new habit, and from what I’ve seen, they usually fail. Now I’m […]
Lessons in Relaxation

Disclosure: This post contains mention of Pepsi Products. I was offered these products to try. The opinions contained in this post are my own. I was not paid to write this post. As part of my mammoth post from the other day, I mentioned I’ve been having trouble relaxing. Or it feels like it […]

I’ve been working hard in the past week on maintaining a balance. It has been hard. Work, applying for jobs, interviews, hot days with high humidity…last week was very long. I’m happy with the balance I found. But what I was a bit shocked at was the effort it took to maintain the balance. […]

Meditating isn’t something that comes easily to me. And I still hear the word and think it’s a bit wankery. But that touches on other issues that are too complicated to go into here. We had to meditate in a class at school a few times. I think the first time was a once off, in […]
Bike Fail
In September I bought myself a new bike. Nothing fancy, just an $80 one from Kmart. Fast forward to it now being December and you know what? I still haven’t ridden it. Why? Well my current excuse is summer. Even in the car my hands are burning being in the sun. I […]
This Blog
It’s funny, I started writing this blog with the tag line “A journey towards positive choices and weight loss” and I’m not sure I’ve really blogged about either!! These two things are very close to me though. […]
How to Eat Out as a Diabetic

I struggle to know what to put down on forms for ‘dietary preference’. While I’m not diabetic, my husband has been through the wringer with being told he’s type 1, type 2, and now sort-of-maybe-a-type-two over the past few years. Needless to say, our eating has gone through many changes with each (mis)diagnosis. We don’t […]