Recently I saw someone reshare the Vice article from a couple of years back where someone won a lawsuit saying that their employer couldn’t force them to do fun things. And I think a lot of people were joking about it. I mean, a lot of people don’t like their team building activities and […]
This is my life
Humans aren’t niches

I said this in a message to someone but I really like it so I’m going to say it all over social media and my website too Humans aren’t niches. I love seeing all the aspects of someone’s life (that they are comfortable with sharing, of course!) Everyone has different boundaries on […]
Cut Off

I feel cut off from everything. And you may say that makes sense… I am cut off. I am mostly housebound. I can get out enough to pick up medication and food, but not for anything else. Everything comes down to necessities. But while that is obviously fucking boring and often irritating, it’s not […]
Self Care only for the abled?

Consider people who go for a run during the work day vs people who need a nap during the work day. One is seen as acceptable, and the other is seen as lazy. Both are things that are broadly actions a body needs to function. (As someone with ME/CFS, exercise is dangerous. I want to […]
Money is accessibility: book edition

A recent story of mine: I tried to return an overdue book to the library today but the accessible car park is closed for construction (not for it being fixed, just as a place to dump equipment). And the drop off bays were all full. I didn’t have time or energy to drive around […]
Capitalism and accomodations

I’ve been finding a connection between my needs and what is considered acceptable behaviour under capitalism. I suspect this topic could be an entire blog of its own but I’m not going to do that! This is my initial attempt at collecting: an experience some blog posts other peoples experiences together to show how capitalism […]
No Queues

I’ve seen a few people share about this on social media, which means I now feel that solidarity exists. (Also, don’t assume no one sees your posts. Likes and comments and vanity metrics don’t measure the impact you have.) Queues are one of my biggest flare triggers. It’s also not socially acceptable […]
The new internet rule

I have a new rule for the internet. However, applying the rule may also cause the end of the internet. When someone asks a question, you are not permitted to reply if your answer is the same as the first answer on Google. There is another variant of this I could add: If […]
The internet is my only home now

The thing about becoming mostly housebound and struggling with synchronous communication is that it basically leaves social media as the place for my communication. I curate my social media HARD. I block, mute, unfollow very easily. It’s bullshit that you have to allow assholes in to avoid it being an echo chamber. And as […]

I saw someone once saying that a rare benefit of ME/CFS is that they had to get really clear about what they want. That hasn’t happened for me. I still want a shitload of stuff. I wonder if this happens to everyone? Does everyone with ME/CFS get really clear on what they want? Does […]